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Canary Island Date Palms

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Canary Island Date Palm
Phoenix canariensis

Canary Island Date palms are native to the Canary Islands which are located in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of northeast Africa. Cold hardy Canary Island Date palms are popular landscape items in near warm climates around the world.


Canary Island Date Palms can grow up to 60' (18m) and have:

  A thick trunk covered with interesting diamond designs
  Crowns that can grow up to 50 huge arching pinnate leaves that may reach 18' long

  Leaves that are a deep green shading to a yellow stem where the leaflets are replaced by spines


The Canary Island Date Palm tree is a suckering palm that is usually pruned to have only one trunk. Trimmed in this manner the tree will grow to heights of 100 feet. Leaflets near the base are modified into 3-4 inch spines. The yellow-orange to red fruit, called 'dates', are oblong and about 1.5 inches in length. They consist of a large pointed seed surrounded by sweet sugary flesh. Dates are formed from flowers on 4 foot inflorescences that emerge from among the leaves in spring. Male and female flowers grow on separate plants. Only female plants produce dates and only if a male tree is nearby. Dates are not formed in climates that are too cool.


Canary Island Date palm tree has been utilized as a theme generating focal point in landscapes worldwide for decades. Its majesty and substantial presence make the Canary Island Date Palm a powerful choice where you a looking to bring natural maturity to a site. Utilized in rows or as a freestanding centerpiece, there really aren't many locations on site where you cannot use Canary Island Date palm tree successfully. Probably the best adjective that one could use to describe Canariensis is Stunning.


Height: 40-60 feet (12-18 meters)
Spread: 20-25 feet (6-7.5 meters)
Leaf: 12-18 inches (31-46 cm)

General Care Tips

Canary Island Date Palms need full sun. Trees tolerate a variety of moist, well-drained soils. Prune sparingly. Avoid damaging lower trunk and roots.

Things to Watch For

Insect pests include giant palm weevil, palm leaf skeletonizer and scales. Trees are vulnerable to ganoderma rot, lethal yellowing disease and leaf spot.

Feel free to send us an email with any other questions you may have.


P 8268 4848
M 0410 693 282





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